"[A marriage] is an individual experience. Often it is a lie. Too many enter into an impossible contract; ensuring failure, betrayal, hurt. Marriage SHOULD be about LOVE in its highest form."
"I don't want to get married because I'm frightened of feeling like I've forgone other things in my life in favour of giving everything to my partner, especially if i end up a used and discarded vessel for childbearing. that idea terrifies me. I do want to get married too though; for the hopeful promise of sharing my life with someone, for the promise of growing up and growing old in love, for the possibility of making a family and knowing how beautiful and terrifying it feels to have so much to lose."
"HONESTY is fundamental. True love cannot exist without it. Many choose evasion and lies because they are often easier than truth. but for me, i believe TRUTH is the key to freedom and therefore also to LOVE."
"Hollywood constructs the hopeful [
"get the man, keep the man, marry the man"] myth but also simultaneously debunks it with it's portrayal of the seemingly inevitable "
man cheats, man leaves, woman weeps" tale. In some ways, having opposition constructed only serves to add even greater /more realistic romance to the initial construct, enhancing it's value through demonstration of its illusory nature."